首页> 外文会议>IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation >A Robot for Classifying Chinese Calligraphic Types and Styles

A Robot for Classifying Chinese Calligraphic Types and Styles




As one of the most unique types of art in Chinese culture, nowadays Chinese calligraphy is attracting increasing interests from researchers. It will be a big step if we have a robot to write Chinese calligraphy, especially in various styles, and it will form a bridge to combine science with art directly. However, there are so many different types and styles in Chinese calligraphy, and to distinguish them is the most basic quality to a green hand, but it is a big challenge for a robot to do so. For the lack of exploration about this, we conduct a lot of experiments to help the robot to accomplish it automatically. We first propose a parametric representation of calligraphic characters, and then adopt the Mahalanobis distance for similarity measurement and classification. The average accuracies of classifying types and styles of the Chinese calligraphy are 96.36% and 95.61% respectively. During the experiments, some interesting phenomena are discovered through similarity measure. Meanwhile, the parametric representation also has some potential applications, such as defining aesthetic grading standards of calligraphy and synthesizing calligraphy. Based on our research, the calligraphy robot can tell which style of calligraphy it sees for mimicking.



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