首页> 外文会议>Offshore Technology Conference >Design of an Energy Storage System ACAES Applied to Marine Renewable Energy: Study Case Based on Energy Integration Approach

Design of an Energy Storage System ACAES Applied to Marine Renewable Energy: Study Case Based on Energy Integration Approach




Marine energies (including wind turbine, tidal current and wave energy) are now recognized not only as high potential energy sources, but also as a significant and maturing energy market. Nevertheless, renewable marine energies are highly intermittent and so adequate energy storage systems are a main challenge for renewable marine energy development, to make it reliable and compatible with domestic and industrial power demand. This paper focuses on the ACAES (Adiabatic Compressed Air Energy Storage) technology. It presents a study case of a large wind turbine farm (320MW capacity). After a state-of-art review on energy storage systems, the ACAES technology is selected as the most adequate solution for this case to store renewable energy, which means to store the entire produced power during low demand periods and to return all the stored energy during high demand periods. The operating principle of an ACAES system is that, using produced renewable energy, air is first compressed to be stored during low energy demand period. Storage is made through some natural cavity. Then the air is expanded during high energy demand period to return stored energy. A parallel heat transfer medium is used to make the system adiabatic.
机译:现在,海洋能量(包括风力涡轮机,潮流和波能)现在不仅承认高潜在的能源,而且作为一个重要和成熟的能源市场。尽管如此,可再生的海洋能源是高度间歇性的,因此充足的能量存储系统是可再生海洋能源开发的主要挑战,使其可靠且与国内和工业电力需求相容。本文侧重于ACAES(绝热压缩空气储能)技术。它提出了大型风力涡轮机农场(320mW)的研究案例。在对储能系统的最先进的审查之后,选择ACAES技术作为存储可再生能源的最适当的解决方案,这意味着在低需求期间存储整个产生的功率并返回所有存储的能量在高需求期间。 ACAES系统的操作原理是,使用生产的可再生能源,首先将空气压缩以在低能量需求期间存储。储存是通过一些天然腔制成的。然后在高能量需求期间扩增空气以返回存储的能量。平行传热介质用于使系统绝热。



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