
Limits of Joy




What we have done is three things: first we have shown that formal education since its inception was set up to prepare for the factory and the army. As such it is no wonder that it was not set up for joy but inherited the negative conceptualization of work as a disutility. Like work, learning is mainly based on extrinsic interactions leaving little room for joy. The basic conundrum identified was the problem of making intrinsic motivation work for externally-set purposes. While this finding, valid as it is, remains rather , the next part looked at the consequences of setting up education itself as a business and creating a student market. As in the economy at large, capital worked on both sides: creating space for the private providers and luring students in taking out large loans by chanting the mantra that education pays. Given that the student market is largely a captive market there is little choice. But caveat emptor. In times when "knowledge (is) a key source of company profit, ... the task of business is not to pay more for it but to pay less."



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