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Minimum PED based K best algorithm for high performance MIMO detector




Minimum Partial Euclidean Distance (PED) based K best algorithm is proposed. It is based on breath first search methods. The proposed design is independent of the constellation size, number of transmit and receive antenna. The minimum PED based K best detector guarantees a Signal to Noise Ratio (SNR)-independent fixed throughput with a performance close to Maximum Likelihood Detection (MLD) method and reduced Bit Error Rate (BER) with irrespective of constellations. The main innovations are the nodes are expanded and visited based on minimum parent PED rather than exhaustively, as well as it keeps track of symbols selected at each cycle. Being fixed-throughput in nature along with the fact that the breadth first approaches are feed forward detection schemes makes them especially attractive one for VLSI implementation. The simulation is carried out in different stages, in this paper the number of transmit and receive antennas is chosen as 2 and 64 constellations QAM is chosen. The received signal from MIMO transmitter is detected using the minimum PED based K best algorithm, Moreover, the algorithm builds a tree with the children's and identify the best child with minimum PED, the selected child act as an parent node for next cycle and the cycle is repeated until all such children's in a tree are visited, Finally the scatter plot is plotted for both Rayleigh channel and Additive white Gaussian noise channel (AWGN). The calculation for SNR vs. BER shows the AWGN channel provides the less amount of bit error involved in signal compared to Rayleigh channel scheme with the proposed algorithm.
机译:提出了基于最小局部欧氏距离(PED)的K最佳算法。它基于呼吸优先搜索方法。所提出的设计与星座图大小,发射和接收天线的数量无关。基于最小PED的K最佳检测器可确保独立于信噪比(SNR)的固定吞吐量,其性能接近最大似然检测(MLD)方法,并且降低了误码率(BER),无论星座如何。主要创新是基于最小父PED(而不是穷尽)扩展和访问节点,以及跟踪每个周期选择的符号。本质上是固定吞吐量,而广度优先的方法是前馈检测方案,这使得它们对于VLSI实现特别有吸引力。仿真是在不同阶段进行的,本文将发送和接收天线的数量选择为2,并选择了64个星座QAM。使用基于最小PED的K best算法检测从MIMO发射机接收到的信号,此外,该算法用子树构建一棵树,并标识具有最小PED的最佳子树,选定的子树充当下一个周期和该周期的父节点重复直到访问树中所有此类孩子为止。最后,绘制了瑞利信道和加性高斯白噪声信道(AWGN)的散点图。 SNR vs. BER的计算结果表明,与提出的算法的瑞利信道方案相比,AWGN信道提供的信号所涉及的误码更少。



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