
Applying the Lost-Letter Technique to Assess IT Risk Behaviour




Information security policies are used to mitigate threats for which a technical prevention is not feasible. Compliance with information security policies is a notoriously difficult issue. Social sciences could provide tools to empirically study compliance with policies. We use a variation of the lost-letter technique to study IT risk behaviour, using USB keys instead of letters. The observational lost-letter study by Farrington and Knight (1979) was replicated in a university setting by dropping 106 USB keys. Labels on the USB keys were used to vary characteristics of the alleged victim. Observers noted characteristics of people who picked a USB key up and whether the USB key was returned. Results show that USB keys in their original box are stolen more than used ones and that people aged 30 or younger and those who place a found USB key in their pocket are more likely to steal. This suggests that the decision to steal a USB key is taken at the moment of pick up, despite ample opportunity to return it. The lost USB key technique proved to be a feasible method of data collection to measure policy compliance and thus also risk behaviour.
机译:信息安全策略用于减轻技术预防不可行的威胁。遵守信息安全策略是一个众所周知的难题。社会科学可以提供工具以实证研究政策的遵守情况。我们使用丢失字母技术的一种变体来研究IT风险行为,使用USB密钥而不是字母。 Farrington和Knight(1979)进行的观察性失信研究在大学环境中通过删除106个USB密钥进行了复制。 USB密钥上的标签用于改变所称受害者的特征。观察者指出了拾起USB密钥的人的特征以及是否归还了USB密钥。结果表明,原始盒中的USB密钥被盗的数量比二手盒更多,而且30岁或30岁以下的人以及将找到的USB密钥放在口袋中的人更容易被盗。这表明,尽管有足够的机会将USB密钥归还,但还是在窃取之时做出了窃取USB密钥的决定。丢失的USB密钥技术被证明是一种可行的数据收集方法,可以用来衡量策略的遵从性,从而也可以规避风险行为。



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