首页> 外文会议>IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing >Studying the Benefits and Challenges of Immersive Dataflow Programming

Studying the Benefits and Challenges of Immersive Dataflow Programming




Creating Virtual Reality (VR) applications normally requires advanced knowledge of imperative programming, 3D modeling, reactive programming, and geometry. Immersive authoring tools propose to reduce the learning curve of VR programming by allowing users to create VR content while immersed in VR. Immersive authoring can take advantage of many of the features that make VR applications intuitive and natural to use—users can manipulate programming primitives through direct manipulation, immediately see the output of their code, and use their innate spatial reasoning capabilities when viewing a program. In this paper, we investigate the benefits and challenges of immersive dataflow authoring. We implemented an immersive authoring tool that enables dataflow programming in VR and conducted a series of retrospective interviews. We also describe design implications for future immersive authoring tools.
机译:创建虚拟现实(VR)应用程序通常需要高级知识的命令编程,3D建模,无功编程和几何体。沉浸式创作工具建议通过允许用户在沉浸在VR中创建VR内容来减少VR编程的学习曲线。沉浸式创作可以利用许多使VR应用程序直观和自然使用的功能 - 用户可以通过直接操作来操纵编程原语,立即看到其代码的输出,并在查看程序时使用先天的空间推理能力。在本文中,我们调查了沉浸式数据流创作的好处和挑战。我们实施了一个沉浸式创作工具,可在VR中进行数据流程,并进行一系列回顾性访谈。我们还描述了未来沉浸式创作工具的设计意义。



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