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Hide Chopin in the Music: Efficient Information Steganography Via Random Shuffling




Information steganography is a family of techniques that hide secret messages into a carrier; thus, the messages can only be extracted by receivers with a correct key Although many approaches have been proposed to achieve this purpose, historically, it is a difficult problem to conceal a large amount of information without occasioning human perceptible changes. In this paper, we explore the room introduced by the low-rank property of natural signals (i.e., images, audios), and propose a training-free model for efficient information steganography, which provides a capacity of hiding full-size images into carriers of the same spatial resolution. The key of our method is to randomly shuffle the secrets and carry out a simple reduction summation with the carrier. On the other hand, the secret images can be reconstructed by solving a convex optimization problem similar to the ordinary tensor decomposition. In the experimental analysis, we carry out two tasks: concealing a full-RGB-color image into a gray-scale image; concealing images into music signals. The results confirm the ability of our model to handle massive secret payloads. The code of our paper is provided in https://github.com/minogame/icassp-SIC.
机译:信息隐写术是一种将秘​​密消息隐藏到载体中的一系列技术;因此,虽然已经提出了许多方法来实现这种目的,但是历史上看,这些方法只能用正确的密钥提取,历史上,难以忽视人类可察觉的变化是一个难题的难题。在本文中,我们探索了由自然信号的低级别财产(即图像,audios)引入的房间,并提出了一种无培训模型,用于高效信息隐写术,为覆盖全尺寸图像的容量提供到载体中相同的空间分辨率。我们的方法的关键是随机随机洗牌并与载体进行简单的求和。另一方面,可以通过求解类似于普通张量分解的凸优化问题来重建秘密图像。在实验分析中,我们执行两个任务:将全RGB彩色图像隐藏成灰度图像;将图像隐藏到音乐信号中。结果证实了我们模型处理大规模秘密有效载荷的能力。我们的论文的代码是在https://github.com/minogame/icassp -sic中提供的。



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