首页> 外文会议>IEEE Global Humanitarian Technology Conference >Enhancing effectiveness of motor rehabilitation using kinect motion sensing technology

Enhancing effectiveness of motor rehabilitation using kinect motion sensing technology




Serious games and their use in healthcare applications are rapidly growing areas of interest for researchers and practitioners. It has been observed that the physically disabled persons typically lack enthusiasm for rehabilitation. This hinders their recovery and ability to care for themselves. Using research and recommendations from therapists, we developed a product, Kinect-o-Therapy, that involved implementation of exercise routines targeting different parts of the body and aided people with motor disabilities stemming from cerebral palsy, spinal cord injury, post stroke and hereditary muscle ailments amongst others. Kinect-o-Therapy incorporates serious games that process 3D input using the Microsoft Kinect motion sensor to build an effective rehabilitation system. It is a plug-and-play type product that gives feedback to the patient and the doctors to monitor performance. The game environment and feedback mechanism ensure patients involvement and high motivation to carry out these exercise routines regularly. Real-life testing of Kinect-o-Therapy shows that patients and physiotherapists both find it quite engaging, easy-to-use and a motivational alternative of rehabilitation.
机译:严肃的游戏及其在医疗保健应用中的使用是研究人员和从业人员迅速增长的兴趣领域。据观察,肢体残疾人通常缺乏康复的热情。这阻碍了他们的康复和照顾自己的能力。利用治疗师的研究和建议,我们开发了Kinect-o-Therapy产品,该产品涉及针对身体不同部位的锻炼程序的实施,并能帮助因脑瘫,脊髓损伤,中风后和遗传性肌肉发达的运动障碍人士疾病等等。 Kinect-o-Therapy结合了严肃的游戏,这些游戏使用Microsoft Kinect运动传感器处理3D输入,以构建有效的康复系统。它是一种即插即用型产品,可向患者和医生提供反馈以监控性能。游戏环境和反馈机制可确保患者参与并积极地定期执行这些锻炼程序。 Kinect-o-疗法的真实生活测试表明,患者和物理治疗师都发现它非常吸引人,易于使用并且是康复的激励性选择。



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