首页> 外文会议>Collection Systems Conference >Dig that Creek or Tunnel that Creek? Case Study of Crossing San Tomas Aquino Creek with an Inverted Sewer Siphon in Santa Clara, California

Dig that Creek or Tunnel that Creek? Case Study of Crossing San Tomas Aquino Creek with an Inverted Sewer Siphon in Santa Clara, California




The Walsh Avenue Trunk Sewer project in Santa Clara, CA involved the construction of over 10,000feet of 24 to 30-inch trunk sewer. The majority of the sewer was installed using traditional open cut constructionmethods. The trunk sewer crosses San Tomas Aquino Creek using an inverted siphon. The inverted siphon is atwin barrel siphon (15.2-inch each) with a 23.6-inch air jumper. The original design included open cut installationof the legs of the siphon with the creek being crossed using microtunneling. Two-thirds of the way through thedesign, the design was changed to open cutting the entire crossing. During construction, the Contractor requested touse auger boring to install the upstream and downstream legs of the siphon. Since one of the legs of the siphon ismuch steeper than typically constructed, this presented construction challenges which will be presented anddiscussed. The creek was crossed using open cut construction methods.
机译:加利福尼亚州圣克拉拉的沃尔什大街干线下水道项目涉及10,000多个建筑 24至30英寸长的下水道下水道。下水道的大部分是使用传统的明挖结构安装的 方法。污水干渠使用倒虹吸管穿过圣托马斯阿基诺河。倒虹吸管是 双筒虹吸管(每个15.2英寸)和23.6英寸的空气跳线。原始设计包括明装安装 用微隧道将虹吸管的腿与小河交叉。整个过程的三分之二 设计时,将设计更改为开放式切割整个交叉路口。在施工期间,承包商要求 使用螺旋钻安装虹吸管的上游和下游支脚。由于虹吸管的一条腿是 比通常建造的要陡峭得多,这提出了建造挑战, 讨论过。小溪使用明挖施工方法横渡。



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