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A Minimum, One-Way, Mars Settlement Program




This plan would establish a small (initially two-person), permanent Mars settlement, within the financial constraints of the 'flexible path' proposed for NASA by the second Augustine commission and using expected commercial launchers, namely the Falcon 9 Heavy by SpaceX. The main reason to go to Mars is not just 'exploration' but to expand life beyond the Earth. Mars ascent vehicles will be dangerous and extremely expensive to develop, making a round-trip mission unaffordable in today's economic climate. More importantly, the return leg of a journey simply does not contribute to the goal of expanding civilization beyond the Earth. Exploration and scientific investigations would be only secondary goals until the base is firmly established and safe. The sequence of deployment is: after an (optional) human sortie to a near-Earth asteroid, human sorties would go to Mars orbit, Phobos, or Deimos. For safety, the crew would not land immediately. Instead, from this orbital outpost, the crew would control the deployment, assembly, and testing of base modules on the surface of Mars using teleoperated robotics, or avatars. When sufficient fuel, air, and water are stockpiled at the Mars surface base, two settlers descend from Mars orbit to the surface base. The crew will concentrate on food growth, repair, and manufacture of simple plastic components for greenhouses. After some years to stockpile food and bootstrap manufacturing capability, additional crew members would arrive who could then concentrate on scientific investigations. This study draws heavily from the Mars Homestead Project designs by the Mars Foundation, but adapted for minimal size crew, automated/teleoperated assembly, and a much slower, more economical build-up. Our conclusion: given the uncertain funding for future heavy lift launch vehicles, this method of quickly sending two people to grow food and manufacture materials and devices on Mars may be the only way we can keep people in space in our generation.
机译:该计划将在奥古斯丁第二委员会为美国宇航局提议的“灵活路线”的财务限制内,并使用预期的商业发射器,即SpaceX的Falcon 9 Heavy,建立一个小型(最初为两人)的永久性火星定居点。前往火星的主要原因不仅是“探索”,还在于将生命扩展到地球以外。火星上升车将是危险的,而且开发成本极其昂贵,因此在当今的经济环境中,往返任务难以承受。更重要的是,旅程的回程根本没有实现将文明扩展到地球之外的目标。直到牢固建立基地和安全基地,勘探和科学研究才是次要目标。部署的顺序是:在对近地小行星进行(可选)人类出击之后,人类出击将进入火星轨道,火卫一或狄莫斯。为了安全起见,机组人员不会立即降落。取而代之的是,从这个轨道哨站,机组人员将使用遥控机器人或化身控制火星表面基本模块的部署,组装和测试。当在火星地面基地储存足够的燃料,空气和水时,两个定居者将从火星轨道下降到地面基地。工作人员将专注于食物的生长,修复和温室大棚简单塑料部件的制造。在储存了食品和自举装置的生产能力几年之后,便有了更多的工作人员来集中精力进行科学调查。这项研究很大程度上借鉴了火星基金会(Mars Foundation)的“火星家园计划(Mars Homestead Project)”设计,但适用于最小规模的机组人员,自动化/遥控组装以及更慢,更经济的组装。我们的结论是:鉴于未来重型举升运载工具的资金不确定,这种迅速派遣两个人在火星上种植食物并制造材料和设备的方法可能是我们这一代人中唯一能够将人们留在太空中的方法。



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