首页> 外文会议>NSTI nanotechnology conference and expo;Nanotech conference expo;NSTI-Nanotech 2012;TechConnect world annual conference expo >A Nanopore Biomimetic Device Quantitatively Detects Early Stage Cancer Cells; a Contour Map of Multiple Variable Correlation Method Assesses the Heat Released by Cancer Cells

A Nanopore Biomimetic Device Quantitatively Detects Early Stage Cancer Cells; a Contour Map of Multiple Variable Correlation Method Assesses the Heat Released by Cancer Cells




We report a portable early stage low abundance cancer cells detection device that has the capability to detect the breast cancer MDA-MB-231 line in a single cell concentration quantitatively using the unique land marker ratio of "action potential" vs. "resting potential" (RAPRP) values that distinguish from the normal breast cells under antibody-free and labeling-free conditions. The device is based on a nanopore biomimetic cross linked polymer membrane fabricated on gold chips. This real time potential was recorded using a double step chronopotentiometry (DSCPO) under a fixed current. The sensitivity of the device to detect cancer cells is 530 mV/cell (ml/~(-1)) over 1-50 cell/mL range after 24 hrs incubation. Factors of cancer cell concentration and current affect on the DSCPO profiles are reported. The heat released by the cancer cells is an order of magnitude higher in calories compared with a normal breast cell assessed by a Contour Map of Multiple Variable Correlation method (CMMVC).
机译:我们报告了一种便携式早期低丰度癌细胞检测设备,该设备具有使用“动作电位”与“静息电位”的独特着陆比来定量检测单个细胞浓度中的乳腺癌MDA-MB-231系的能力。 (RAPRP)值可在无抗体和无标记条件下与正常乳腺细胞区别开来。该设备基于在金芯片上制造的纳米孔仿生交联聚合物膜。使用双步计时电位法(DSCPO)在固定电流下记录此实时电位。孵育24小时后,在1-50个细胞/ mL范围内,该设备检测癌细胞的灵敏度为530 mV /细胞(ml /〜(-1))。报告了癌细胞浓度和电流影响DSCPO图谱的因素。与通过多变量相关性等高线图(CMMVC)评估的正常乳腺细胞相比,癌细胞释放的热量在卡路里方面高出一个数量级。



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