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Natural Subsidence at the Rotokawa Geothermal Field and Implications for Permeability Development




Levelling surveys of the Waikato River, running through the Rotokawa Geothermal Field and dating back to 1950 show that the field underwent significant subsidence prior to exploitation in 1997. This natural state subsidence can be related to mass removal from the reservoir by hydrothermal alteration. Pochee (2010) shows that altered Rotokawa reservoir andesite is depleted in silica by as much as 15% relative to unaltered reservoir andesite. This depletion is manifested as porosity enhancement due mostly to plagioclase feldspar phenocryst dissolution, similar to that found by Stimac et al (2004) for reservoir rock at the Tiwi field, Philippines. The natural subsidence at Rotokawa is inferred to be due to the gradual collapse of this pore space. Long term subsidence within the reservoir is expected to create strain similar to that experienced in producing oil field reservoirs. Well damage due to subsidence commonly occurs due to horizontal thrust strain along hard-soft bedding plane boundaries and due to reactivation of fault structures. Similar processes may occur within the Rotokawa geothermal reservoir due to alteration-induced compaction, although a lesser strain rate coupled with softer, altered rock material, suggest that the effect may be more subtle. The rocks most susceptible to fracturing due to alteration-induced compaction would be networks of relatively hard rocks (e.g. quartz veins and zones of silicification) surrounding softer altering reservoir rock. In this way, progressive alteration compaction would lead to fracturing of encompassing vein networks, leading to a positive feedback between alteration and permeability. At a minimum, alteration compaction would play a role in providing incremental rock stress to fracturing due to local tectonic stress and periodic hydraulic pressure changes. Alteration induced subsidence, such as inferred for Rotokawa, suggests that hidden geothermal resources might be expressed at the surface by geologic evidence of long term subsidence or be observed by modern measurements of surface deformation, such as historic geodetic measurements, precision GPS and satellite interferometry.
机译:贯穿Rotokawa地热田并追溯到1950年的怀卡托河的水准测量表明,该田在1997年开采之前经历了严重的沉陷。这种自然状态的沉陷可能与通过热液蚀变从​​水库中去除质量有关。 Pochee(2010)表明,相对于未改变的储层安山岩,改变后的Rotokawa储层安山岩中的硅含量减少了15%。这种贫化表现为孔隙度增加,这主要是由于斜长石长石隐晶溶解造成的,类似于Stimac等人(2004年)在菲律宾Tiwi油田发现的储层岩石。推测Rotokawa的自然沉降是由于该孔隙空间的逐渐塌陷所致。预计油藏内的长期沉陷会产生类似于油田油藏生产中所经历的应变。由于沉陷造成的油井损坏通常是由于沿硬软顺层平面边界的水平推力应变以及断层结构的重新活化而发生的。由于变质引起的压实,在Rotokawa地热储层内可能会发生类似的过程,尽管应变率较小且岩石材料变软,变质,表明这种影响可能更微妙。因蚀变诱发的压实而最易破裂的岩石将是围绕较软的蚀变储层岩石的相对坚硬的岩石网络(例如石英脉和硅化带)。以这种方式,进行性改变压实将导致包围的静脉网络破裂,从而导致改变和渗透性之间的正反馈。至少,由于局部构造应力和周期性的水力压力变化,改变压实作用将在增加岩石应力的过程中发挥作用。改变引起的沉降,例如根据Rotokawa推断,表明隐伏的地热资源可能通过长期沉降的地质证据在地表表达,或者通过现代的表面变形测量(例如历史的大地测量,精确的GPS和卫星干涉测量法)观察到。



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