首页> 外文会议>International conference on mechatronics and materials processing >Research on B2C Electronic Commerce System based on X3D/VRML

Research on B2C Electronic Commerce System based on X3D/VRML

机译:基于X3D / VRML的B2C电子商务系统研究



Firstly, the thesis analyzes the basic concepts and features of X3D virtual reality modeling language (VRML), X3D is 3D graphic criterion that is follow on, extensible. Secondly, the thesis presents the application frame of VRML in B2C Electronic Commerce systems. By using the technology of VRML, such as the 3D modeling technology, interactive technology and database access technology combined with ASP, the Ecommerce system can connect business and customer. The B2C E-commerce platform based on X3D/VRML technology has the trait of instant, 3d, interactive and verisimilitude, provide enhanced receptivity and interactivity for E-commerce. With the organic integration of E-commerce system and VRML technology, the competitiveness of E-commerce will be improved. Virtual 3D B2C E-commerce system will be the platform for enterprise informatization.
机译:首先,论文分析了X3D虚拟现实建模语言(VRML)的基本概念和特点,X3D是继之而来,可扩展的3D图形标准。其次,提出了VRML在B2C电子商务系统中的应用框架。通过将VRML技术(例如3D建模技术,交互式技术和数据库访问技术与ASP结合使用),电子商务系统可以将企业和客户联系起来。基于X3D / VRML技术的B2C电子商务平台具有即时,3d,交互和逼真的特点,为电子商务提供了增强的接受性和交互性。随着电子商务系统和VRML技术的有机集成,电子商务的竞争力将得到提高。虚拟3D B2C电子商务系统将成为企业信息化的平台。



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