首页> 外文会议>2011 IEEE 9th Latin American Robotics Symposium and IEEE Colombian Conference on Automatic Control >Step-size fuzzy control to maximum power point tracking algorithms for PV microgrid arrays

Step-size fuzzy control to maximum power point tracking algorithms for PV microgrid arrays




Photo Voltaic (PV) power generation presents a high potential solution to the emerging energy needs and the pollution levels crisis around the world. PV cells have associated current-voltage nonlinear characteristics which vary according to irradiance levels, load impedance and temperature mainly. Maximum Power Point Tracking (MPPT) algorithms are relevant elements in economically viable PV systems. They seek to obtain all the available power from PV modules under every environmental condition. Perturb and Observe (P&O) and Incremental Conductance (IC) are well known MPPT algorithms that are commonly used. This paper proposes an improvement to these methods based on the adaptability under nonlinear conditions, and simplicity of Fuzzy Logic Control (FLC). The detailed design and the applicability in smart microgrids and distributed generation are presented. Comparison simulation results show a faster and adaptable behaviour of the fuzzy controlled algorithms developed.
机译:光伏(PV)发电为全球新兴的能源需求和污染水平危机提供了高潜力的解决方案。 PV电池具有相关的电流-电压非线性特性,这些特性主要根据辐照度,负载阻抗和温度而变化。最大功率点跟踪(MPPT)算法是经济可行的光伏系统中的相关元素。他们寻求在每种环境条件下从PV模块获取所有可用功率。扰动和观察(P&O)和增量电导(IC)是常用的众所周知的MPPT算法。本文基于非线性条件下的适应性以及模糊逻辑控制(FLC)的简单性,对这些方法进行了改进。介绍了智能微电网和分布式发电的详细设计及其适用性。对比仿真结果表明,所开发的模糊控制算法具有更快,更适应的行为。



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