首页> 外文会议>2011 21th International Crimean Conference Microwave and Telecommunication Technology >The Crimean period in the biography of prof. I. V. Brenev: (A brief essay commemorating the 110th anniversary of the birth of I. V. Brenev)

The Crimean period in the biography of prof. I. V. Brenev: (A brief essay commemorating the 110th anniversary of the birth of I. V. Brenev)

机译:克里米亚时期教授的传记。 I. V. Brenev :(纪念I. V. Brenev诞辰110周年的简短文章)



The life of Igor Vasilyevich Brenev, a well-known historian, Dr. of Technical Sciences, Professor, is closely tied with the Crimean and Sevastopol as well as with the Taurida University where he happened to spend his student days and finally with his service in the Black Sea Navy. These milestones in his research activity are outlined in the report compiled from a series of Crimean publications. The autograph left by I.V. Brenev in the Sevastopol Navel Library and the exhibition fragment are the first exhibits in the museum of Gymnasium No 3.
机译:著名历史学家,技术科学博士,教授Igor Vasilyevich Brenev的生活与克里米亚半岛和塞瓦斯托波尔以及陶里达大学有着紧密的联系,在那里他偶然度过了他的学生时光,并最终在黑海海军。克里米亚系列出版物汇编的报告概述了他的研究活动中的这些里程碑。 I.V.留下的亲笔签名塞瓦斯托波尔肚脐图书馆的布伦涅夫(Brenev)和展览片段是3号体育馆博物馆的第一批展览。



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