
Dialogue support for memory impaired people




People affected by the loss of short term memory and cognitive impairment have serious difficulties in communication. This may lead to social isolation and lack of community access, a fundamental key barrier to independence for people suffering from Alzheimer's Disease, the most common form of memory and cognitive impairment. We propose Automated Memory Support for Social Interaction (AMSSI), a system that helps memory impaired people with their social interaction. The system provides active support that may help reducing stress level of patients. AMSSI recognizes visitors, determines the purpose of the visit, monitors the dialogue, determines whether the patient needs support, and provides feedback. AMSSI is tailored to patient needs, it has fast computation, full automation, and can be handled by the patient without supervision. The proposed assistive system can be beneficial for improving the quality of life of patients with mild to moderate cognitive impairments. This paper describes the implementation of the first working prototype of the AMSSI system. Validation user tests are still to be conducted.
机译:受短期内存损失和认知障碍影响的人们在沟通中具有严重困难。这可能导致社会孤立和缺乏社区访问,对患有阿尔茨海默病的人的独立性的基本关键障碍,最常见的记忆和认知障碍形式。我们为社交互动(AMSSI)提出了自动化内存支持,这是一个帮助内存受损人们的社交互动的系统。该系统提供有效支持,可帮助降低患者的应力水平。 AMSSI认识到访问者,确定访问的目的,监视对话,确定患者是否需要支持,并提供反馈。 AMSSI定制了患者需求,它具有快速计算,完全自动化,可以在没有监督的情况下由患者处理。拟议的辅助体系可以有利于提高轻度至中度认知障碍的患者的生活质量。本文介绍了AMSSI系统的第一个工作原型的实现。验证用户测试仍然进行。



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