
Magnetic resonance in the submicron permalloy magnetic dots




Ferromagnetic resonance response for X band in the arrays of the cylindrical submicron dots of the permalloy Ni80Fe20 was investigated. Resonance Magnetic field — resonance frequency dependences for arrays of nanodots with D = 4000 nm and D = 500 nm have a D = 300 nm been obtained. Approximation of the experimental data has been performed. The satisfactory coincidence of experimental data with the approximating curves has been achieved in suggestion of the additional field presence. It has been founded that the magnitude of this field in the investigated samples increases with the dot diameter decreasing. Besides that, the presence of the in-plane anisotropy in the samples of small diameter is most probably. The experimental results are confirmed by measurement of the angular dependence of resonance fields in plane of the film.
机译:研究了坡莫合金Ni 80 Fe 20 的圆柱亚微米点阵列中X波段的铁磁共振响应。共振磁场-获得D = 4000 nm和D = 500 nm的纳米点阵列的共振频率依赖性。实验数据已逼近。暗示了额外的现场存在,已经获得了实验数据与近似曲线的令人满意的重合。已经发现,在研究样品中该场的大小随着点直径的减小而增加。除此之外,小直径样品中极有可能存在面内各向异性。通过测量膜平面中共振场的角度依赖性来证实实验结果。



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