首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of the 2011 3rd International Youth Conference on Energetics >Legal regulation of licensing renewable energy systems in Hungary

Legal regulation of licensing renewable energy systems in Hungary




The members of the European Union turned their attention to renewable energy sources because of increasing energy demand, decreasing inland fossil fuel supply, raising and variable energy prices and concern about climate change. Within the European Union Hungary is in arrears to the other members using renewable energy sources. The objectives of the Hungarian energy policy go by the energy policy of the European Union and expect increase of use renewable energy. For the sake of the cause legislators and authorities have to support the introduction and spread of technologies by all means. In this paper the Hungarian licensing procedures of renewable energies were discussed. Usually these are rather complex. The procedures are almost the same in many ways. For example generality is in the process of licensing the involvement of the high authorities and administrations. But some legal rules include relevant provisions for a variety. The 33/2009. (IV.30) decree is a good instance for the wind power plants. Therefore the general and special regulations have to be studied as well. Besides the simplicity and complexity of the procedures, some problems and possible options were emphasized too. Finally the future goals were mentioned in the conclusion.
机译:由于能源需求增加,内陆化石燃料供应减少,能源价格上涨和变动以及对气候变化的关注,欧洲联盟成员国将注意力转向了可再生能源。在欧洲联盟内部,匈牙利拖欠了其他使用可再生能源的成员国。匈牙利能源政策的目标遵循欧盟的能源政策,并期望增加可再生能源的使用。为了这个事业,立法者和当局必须以各种方式支持技术的引进和传播。本文讨论了匈牙利可再生能源的许可程序。通常这些都很复杂。程序在许多方面几乎是相同的。例如,普遍性正在许可上级主管部门和政府的参与。但是一些法律规则包括各种相关规定。 33/2009。 (IV.30)法令是风力发电厂的一个很好的例子。因此,还必须研究一般法规和特殊法规。除了程序的简单性和复杂性之外,还强调了一些问题和可能的选择。最后,结论中提到了未来的目标。



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