首页> 外文会议>2011 International Conference on Research and Innovation in Information Systems >The ICT social inclusion among orang asli community in Gombak area

The ICT social inclusion among orang asli community in Gombak area




As Malaysia is moving towards k-economy and developed nation by 2020, there is a need for all its citizens to participate in this socio-economic development. Orang Asli often have been cited as introverts and lag behind compared to other races in Malaysia. Literatures indicate a few researches have been studied involving the Orang Asli but a dearth is found focusing on ICT education and Internet usage among the Orang Asli schoolchildren. This study aims to fill in this gap by investigating the computer and Internet usage among the Orang Asli schoolchildren in three schools in Gombak area which is close to International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM) main campus. The survey findings indicate most of the respondents are familiar with computer and Internet but the level of usage varies. Most parents are lower-income earners and affordability to own personal computers become a main issue. Even though schools provide limited time allocations for the students to use computer laboratories, the students also visit cybercafés, friends and relatives'' houses to use computers and Internet.
机译:随着马来西亚到2020年朝着经济发展和发达国家迈进,其所有公民都需要参与这一社会经济发展。与马来西亚的其他种族相比,红毛猩猩通常被认为是性格内向的人,比较落后。文献表明,已经进行了一些有关Orang Asli的研究,但是在Orang Asli学龄儿童中,缺乏对ICT教育和互联网使用的关注。这项研究旨在通过调查靠近马来西亚国际伊斯兰大学(IIUM)主校区的Gombak地区三所学校的Orang Asli学童中的计算机和互联网使用情况来填补这一空白。调查结果表明,大多数受访者熟悉计算机和互联网,但使用水平各不相同。大多数父母都是低收入者,拥有个人计算机的负担能力成为主要问题。尽管学校为学生提供了有限的时间分配他们使用计算机实验室的时间,但学生们也访问网吧,亲戚和亲戚的家中使用计算机和互联网。



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