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A Virtual Laboratory for Teaching Linux on the Web




The shortage of experimental platforms needed for learning IT systems in a hands-on way is one reason for the lack of quality education in the area of IT. For most students who have access to a PC, their ability to experiment on that machine is limited by the risk of possible irrecoverable damage their experimentation may cause to the equipment. We report the development of a 'Virtual Laboratory for Systems and Software' that teaches the basics of Linux. The goal of this laboratory is to give the students a platform through which they can learn the essentials of linux. The student interacts with a virtual instance of a linux machine through the browser on his machine to learn basic tasks of linux system administration. The student's machine could be running any operating system (not necessarily linux). This obviates the need to have a linux machine on the part of the student. The lab consists of a suite of experiments designed as web applications which are based on IT Workshop courses at undergraduate level in universities.
机译:动手学习IT系统所需的实验平台的短缺是IT领域缺乏优质教育的原因之一。对于大多数可以使用PC的学生来说,他们在该计算机上进行实验的能力受到实验可能对设备造成不可挽回的损害的风险的限制。我们报告了一个“系统和软件虚拟实验室”的发展情况,该课程讲授了Linux的基础知识。该实验室的目的是为学生提供一个学习Linux基础知识的平台。学生通过其机器上的浏览器与linux机器的虚拟实例进行交互,以学习linux系统管理的基本任务。学生的计算机可以运行任何操作系统(不一定是linux)。这样就避免了部分学生拥有Linux机器的需要。该实验室包含一组设计为Web应用程序的实验,这些实验基于大学本科阶段的IT Workshop课程。



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