
A Museum Visitors Guide with the A* pathfinding algorithm

机译:具有A *寻路算法的博物馆游客指南



The A* algorithm is proven to be one of the most, if not the most, used AI pathfinding algorithm in game development today. Current development effort is now focused on optimizing the A* algorithm and applying it to solve real-world problems. In this paper, we present a Museum Visitors Guide (MVG) application with the A* pathfinding algorithm that helps museum visitors to make the most of their visit. The A* algorithm is optimized in a number of ways. First, the shortest path between the visitor's current location and the goal art piece is dynamically produced in response to the changes of the exhibition floor plans. Secondly, visitors are allowed to select multiple works of art that they want to see. The best path that our MVG finds out covers them all. Thirdly, multiple optimum and load-balanced paths are discovered when there are multiple targets - a feature that is very useful for emergencies, e.g., for firefighters to put out the flames. To demonstrate that our MVG is well functional, flexible, and even ready to migrate to hand-held mobile platforms, we will show the running results of our simulation in the end of this paper.
机译:事实证明,A *算法是当今游戏开发中使用最多的AI寻路算法之一。现在,当前的开发工作集中在优化A *算法并将其应用于解决实际问题上。在本文中,我们介绍了具有A *寻路算法的博物馆游客指南(MVG)应用程序,该算法可帮助博物馆游客充分利用他们的参观资源。 A *算法以多种方式进行了优化。首先,响应于展位平面图的变化,动态生成访问者当前位置和目标艺术品之间的最短路径。其次,允许游客选择他们想看的多件艺术品。我们的MVG找到的最佳途径涵盖了所有方面。第三,当存在多个目标时,会发现多个最佳且负载均衡的路径-此功能对于紧急情况非常有用,例如对于消防员扑灭火焰。为了证明我们的MVG具有良好的功能,灵活的功能,甚至可以迁移到手持移动平台,我们将在本文结尾处展示仿真的运行结果。



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