首页> 外文会议>Annual technical conference of the North American Society for Trenchless Technology >ACCEPTING THE CHALLENGES OF A DIFFICULT AND RISKY TRUNK SEWER REHABILITATION PROJECT





The Joint Meeting of Essex & Union Counties (JMEUC) owns, operates, and maintains an existing 13.9-mile long trunk sewer constructed of vitrified clay tile pipe. Originally constructed from 1901 - 1904, the sewer line traverses through several municipalities from two counties (Essex and Union Counties, New Jersey). In order to accommodate the modifications to the Garden State Parkway/U.S. Route 78, Interchange ramps performed by the New Jersey Department of Transportation (NJDOT) under a separate construction project, the rehabilitation of two (2) sections of 22-inch diameter vitrified clay pipe was undertaken. The rehabilitation included the installation of a new 30-vertical linear foot (VLF) manhole in between the installation of a 300-linear foot (LF) section of cured-in-place pipe (CIPP) liner section and the installation of a 457-LF pipe bursting section. Based on videotape inspections, the trunk sewer sections were determined to be in overall poor condition with severe cracking, a depressed crown, and inflow/infiltration throughout the entire sections. Based on the condition of the existing trunk sewer sections, it was determined that the trunk sewer sections would require rehabilitation and/or replacement in order to remain operational without a chance of collapse as a result of the construction modifications to the Garden State Parkway/U.S. Route 78 Interchange ramps performed by the NJDOT. Design of the 760-LF trunk sewer rehabilitation project posed several challenges and needed to be completed prior to the deadline established by the NJDOT. Challenges included the existing physical conditions of the trunk sewer (i.e. depth, size, & length of sewer); the site conditions surrounding the existing trunk sewer (i.e. river, highways, residential area); the maintenance of traffic; the limitations of rehabilitation methods; and the needed coordination among several state and local agencies. According to the International Pipe Bursting Association's 'Guideline Specification for the Replacement of Mainline Sewer Pipes By Pipe Bursting', this project was classified as "difficult to extremely difficult". The sewer sections are located adjacent to an existing river within the sloped embankment area with portions that traverse under the existing interchange ramps. Open-cut excavation and installation of a replacement pipe was not an option due to the location of the sewer sections in relation to the existing river as well as portions of one sewer section crossing under the interchange ramps and the other sewer section having an average depth of pipe in excess of 30-feet. Additional complications were encountered as traffic on the existing interchange ramps could not be interrupted, thereby limiting access to the sewer sections and manholes. Another aspect of this project that was unique was the coordination involved to keep everyone informed of the design, bidding, and construction. The two trunk sewer sections to be rehabilitated accept sewage from two municipalities from two counties and bypass requirements had to be coordinated in advance. In addition, this project had to be coordinated with the NJDOT and their sub consultant because of the overall project funding and overall project schedule. The design was completed in late 2007 and awarded to the construction contractor in early 2008. Construction was successfully completed on time and within budget in accordance with the design plans and specifications by the end of May 2008. This presentation/paper will discuss the challenges encountered, as well as the solutions which led to ultimate project success.
机译:埃塞克斯郡与联盟县联席会议(JMEUC)拥有,运营和维护现有的13.9英里长的玻璃化粘土砖管构成的干线下水道。下水道管线始建于1901年至1904年,从两个县(新泽西州埃塞克斯郡和联合县)的多个市镇横穿而来。为了适应对花园州公园大道/美国的修改新泽西运输部(NJDOT)在一个单独的建设项目下进行的78号公路交汇处匝道进行了修复,对两(2)个22英寸直径的玻璃化粘土管进行了修复。修复工作包括在安装现成管道(CIPP)衬管部分的300线性脚(LF)部分与安装457-300之间的新的30垂直线性脚(VLF)人孔。 LF管道爆破段。根据录像带检查,确定干渠下水道区域总体状况不佳,出现严重的裂缝,下沉的树冠和整个区域的流入/入渗。根据现有的干渠下水道段的状况,确定由于需要对Garden State Parkway / U.S。进行改造,干渠下水道段需要进行修复和/或更换才能保持正常运行而不会倒塌。 NJDOT执行的路线78交汇处匝道。 760-LF干线下水道修复项目的设计提出了一些挑战,需要在NJDOT确定的截止日期之前完成。挑战包括干渠下水道的现有物理条件(即下水道的深度,大小和长度);现有干线下水道周围的场地条件(即河流,公路,居民区);维持交通;康复方法的局限性;以及几个州和地方机构之间的必要协调。根据国际管道爆裂协会的“通过管道爆破更换主管干线下水道的准则规范”,该项目被归类为“困难到极其困难”。下水道部分位于倾斜的路堤区域内的一条现有河流附近,其部分横穿现有的互换坡道。由于下水道段相对于现有河流的位置以及一个下水道段在交叉坡道下交叉的部分和另一下水道段的平均深度,因此无法进行明挖开挖和更换管道的安装超过30英尺的管道。由于无法中断现有换乘坡道上的交通,因此遇到了其他麻烦,从而限制了通向下水道段和人孔的通道。该项目的另一个独特之处在于所进行的协调,以使每个人都了解设计,招标和施工的信息。待修复的两个干线下水道段接受来自两个县的两个市政当局的污水,必须事先协调旁路的要求。此外,由于总的项目资金和总的项目进度,该项目必须与NJDOT及其子顾问进行协调。设计于2007年底完成,并于2008年初授予建筑承包商。根据设计计划和规格,到2008年5月底,工程已按时并按预算成功完成。本演示文稿/论文将讨论所遇到的挑战,以及导致最终项目成功的解决方案。



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