
Stack Fueling Perspectives




Fuel cell power systems are an attractive solution for future portable and stationarypower sources in many applications such as shipboard, military base, remote sites, and truckAPU. These fuel cell stacks have primarily been operated with synthetic fuels or with storedH2. It has become increasingly apparent that a lack of fueling solutions utilizing practical fuelshas limited the migration of fuel cells to field applications. In developing practical fuel cellbasedpower generators, durability of reforming systems to safely supply hydrogen in-situ andto permit stable, coke-free fuel cell stack operation via catalytic reforming of commonlyavailable fuels is crucial. The use of practical liquid fuels includes distillate fuels such as dieselor kerosene, as well as renewable fuels such as bio-fuels. Making these fuels suitable for usein the fuel cell stacks include reformation of the fuels such as to minimize higher hydrocarboncontent in the reformate to an acceptable level (depending on the fuel cell type), sulfur cleanupto 1 ppm in the reformate stream, and low parasitic losses. Additionally, water neutrality isan essential component of these systems. This requires sufficient water recovery andseparation from the anode exhaust. The ability to achieve all of these objectives requiresaccurate flow management, thermal management, and robust control algorithms.Efforts to develop and optimize practical fueling solutions for different fuel cell stackswill be discussed. These solutions include integrated reformer systems. Topics such as fuelflexibility (gaseous and liquid fuels, biofuels), sulfur tolerance (e.g., with distillate and logisticsfuels), water neutrality, BOP development (e.g., pumps, sensors, heat exchangers) and controlprotocols will be briefly reviewed. Reformer and stack performance data will be shared.Recent advances in H2 production, pre-reforming and partial oxidation approaches will also bebriefly highlighted. The goal will be to provide insights into Fuel Cell fueling initiatives andcorresponding system design approaches.
机译:燃料电池电源系统是未来便携式和固定式的有吸引力的解决方案 舰船,军事基地,偏远站点和卡车等许多应用中的电源 APU。这些燃料电池堆主要使用合成燃料或储存 H2。越来越明显的是,缺乏使用实际燃料的加油解决方案 限制了燃料电池向现场应用的迁移。在开发实用的燃料电池 发电机,重整系统的耐用性,以安全地就地供应氢气和 通过通常的催化重整来实现稳定,无焦的燃料电池堆运行 可用燃料至关重要。实用的液体燃料的使用包括柴油之类的馏分燃料 或煤油,以及可再生燃料,例如生物燃料。使这些燃料适合使用 燃料电池堆中的燃料包括燃料的重整,以最大程度地减少高级碳氢化合物 重整产品中的含量达到可接受的水平(取决于燃料电池的类型),进行硫清除 在重整产品流中达到<< 1 ppm,并且寄生损失低。另外,水中和是 这些系统的基本组成部分。这需要足够的水回收和 与阳极废气分离。实现所有这些目标的能力需要 精确的流量管理,热管理和强大的控制算法。 努力为不同的燃料电池堆开发和优化实用的加油解决方案 将进行讨论。这些解决方案包括集成的重整系统。燃料等话题 灵活性(气态和液态燃料,生物燃料),耐硫性(例如馏出物和物流) 燃料,水中和,防喷器开发(例如,泵,传感器,热交换器)和控制 协议将被简要审查。重整器和堆栈性能数据将共享。 氢气生产,预重整和部分氧化方法的最新进展也将 简要强调。目标是提供有关燃料电池加油计划的见解,以及 相应的系统设计方法。



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