首页> 外文会议>Progress in electromagnetics research symposium;PIERS 2010 Xi'an >Cole-Cole Model Based on the Frequency-domain IP Method of Forward Modeling

Cole-Cole Model Based on the Frequency-domain IP Method of Forward Modeling




Inducedvpolarization method (IP) is based on rock, ore, metal induced polarization effects to find and solve hydro-geological, engineering geological issues such as a group of electrical prospecting methods. It consists of DC-induced polarization method (time domain method) and the exchange of induced polarization method (frequency-domain method). At present, Frequency-domain induced polarization method (frequency method) because of its advantages is widely used in actual production. However, as rock, ore, induced polarization effects are very complex and affected by many factors, the current induced polarization effects very difficult to achieve an accurate description. Therefore, interpretation of induced polarization method in data analysis problems. In the application subject to certain restrictions. Cole-Cole model is used to describe the formula-mediated electric polarization in the form of complex resistivity and induced polarization equation in the form of the same frequency characteristics. The use of Cole-Cole model to be more a description of the image of rock, ore, induced polarization phenomenon, as the basis of the frequency-domain IP for effective forward modeling, can accurately describe the rock, ore characteristics of the induced polarization effects, developed a suitable IP method forward simulation software.



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