首页> 外文会议>Asia Pacific conference on biomechanics;International conference on biomedical engineering;ICBME;APBiomech;World congress of biomechanics;WCB 2010 >The Effects of Schoolbag Style on Muscle Activation in Lower Extremities during Level Walking and Hill Walking in Primary School Students

The Effects of Schoolbag Style on Muscle Activation in Lower Extremities during Level Walking and Hill Walking in Primary School Students




It was necessary to have a schoolbag that was correct in size and style for the wearer and held the load against the trunk. Some studies investigated the effects of different bag styles on the spine, trunk muscles and gait parameters of children, but few on lower limbs muscles during hill walking were addressed. The purpose of this study was to compare the muscle activation of lower limbs muscles between different schoolbag styles (unloading, backpack & drag bag) during level walking and hill walking. Seven volunteers (2 male & 5 female; 10.3 ± 1.5 yrs; 133.3 ± 7.7 cm; 32.1 ± 6.8 kg) in Chiayi area participated in this study. All of them finished six situations (2 slopes x 3 schoolbag styles) through treadmill walking at 2 km/hr. The weight of schoolbag was set at 10% of body weight. The electromyography signals of subject's left vastus lateralis, biceps femoris, tibials anterior and lateral head of gastrocnemius in stance phase was collected using surface electromyography system and foot switch sensors were placed on the toe and heel to divide the stance phase and swing phase in gait cycle. A two-way ANOVA with repeated measures was used to analyze the effects of different schoolbags on muscle activation during two walking situations. There was no statistical difference in iEMG between unloading, backpack, and drag bag style during level walking; however, there was significant difference in vastus lateralis during hill walking. When primary school students walk on flat surface, there was no significant difference in muscle activation in lower limbs regardless of the schoolbag style. Walking with backpack and drag bag significantly loads on lower extremity muscle activity during hill walking.
机译:必须有一个适合于穿用者的尺寸和样式正确的书包,并将书包保持在行李箱上。一些研究调查了不同款式的袋子对儿童的脊椎,躯干肌肉和步态参数的影响,但很少涉及在爬山过程中对下肢肌肉的影响。这项研究的目的是比较在水平行走和爬山期间不同书包样式(卸载,背包和拖包)之间下肢肌肉的肌肉激活情况。嘉义地区的7名志愿者(2名男性和5名女性; 10.3±1.5岁; 133.3±7.7厘米; 32.1±6.8公斤)参加了这项研究。他们全都通过跑步机以2 km / hr的速度行走完成了6种情况(2个坡道x 3个书包样式)。书包的重量设定为体重的10%。使用表面肌电图系统收集受测者的左侧腓肠肌外侧肌,股二头肌,胫腓前胫骨和外侧头在站立阶段的肌电信号,并在脚趾和脚后跟放置脚踏开关传感器,以在步态周期中划分站立阶段和摆动阶段。使用重复测量的双向方差分析来分析不同书包在两种步行情况下对肌肉激活的影响。在水平行走过程中,iEMG在卸载,背包和拖曳袋样式之间没有统计学差异。然而,在爬山过程中,外侧股外侧肌之间存在显着差异。当小学生在平坦的表面上行走时,无论书包的样式如何,下肢的肌肉激活都没有显着差异。在山上行走时,背着背包和拖曳袋行走会大大增加下肢的肌肉活动。



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