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Design of Pier S Marine Terminal per the Green Port Policy




The Port of Long Beach (POLB) and its tenants, the terminal operators and shipping lines, have made a commitment to protect the environment through their development goals and daily operations. The POLB has adopted a Green Port Policy that is based on specific environmental principals, goals for realizing these principals, and metrics to measure progress towards these goals. The Policy advocates new aggressive environmental programs along with incentives and legislative proposals to promote implementation of the programs. The planning, analysis, design, and construction of marine terminals under the Green Port Policy creates challenges that require innovative solutions for the project to meet the environmental goals, to be designed effectively, to be constructed efficiently, and will allow the terminal to operate competitively.Based on an ongoing environmental assessment that results in an approved project and certified environmental impact report, the 160-acre Pier S Marine Terminal will be one of the first POLB container terminals to be designed under the Green Port Policy. The proposed terminal includes the following components: dredging and realignment of the channel dike; 3,200 linear feet (975.4 meters) of wharf construction to accommodate up to 12 container cranes; container yard and associated structures; 13 terminal buildings; gate facilities; and an on-dock intermodal rail yard with static capacity for two unit trains. To address the goals of the Green Port Policy, this container terminal has been designed to include the following elements:■ Beneficial reuse of the dredged sediments;■ Shore side infrastructure for electric dredges;■ Shore-to-ship power for the container ships;■ Capacity for rail mounted gantry cranes for enhanced cargo handling modernization;■ Efficient gate systems along with effective truck circulation to reduce truck idling;■ Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Silver and Gold certification for terminal buildings;■ Best Management Practices to improve storm water quality;■ Implementation of sustainable practices for development and operation;■ Alternative technologies and fuels for yard equipment that will reduce the net diesel emission from terminal operation.■ Construction equipment to comply with the EPA requirements for lower diesel emissions; and,■ Compliance with the Port's Clean Air Action Plan for trucks moving containers to and from the terminal.Lastly, Pier S is a former Brownfield site that had been previously remediated to facilitate site development. Remediation included onsite cement-stabilization of oilfield wastes in designated cells within raised fill areas at locations that considered future terminal infrastructure. As the terminal design evolved to comply with the Green Port Policy, the design accommodated the cell locations.
机译:长滩港(POLB)及其租户,码头运营商和航运公司已承诺通过其发展目标和日常运营来保护环境。 POLB通过了一项绿色港口政策,该政策基于特定的环境原则,实现这些原则的目标以及衡量实现这些目标的进度的指标。该政策提倡新的侵略性环境计划,以及旨在促进计划实施的激励措施和立法建议。根据《绿色港口政策》进行的海运码头的规划,分析,设计和建设带来了挑战,需要创新的项目解决方案来实现环境目标,进行有效设计,有效建设,并使码头能够竞争性运营。 根据正在进行的环境评估并得出批准的项目和经认证的环境影响报告,该160英亩的Pier S海洋码头将是根据绿色港口政策设计的首批POLB集装箱码头之一。拟建的码头包括以下组成部分:堤坝的疏and和重新布置;码头结构为3,200线性英尺(975.4米),最多可容纳12台集装箱起重机;货柜场及相关构筑物; 13座候机楼;登机口设施;以及一个可容纳两辆单元火车的静态容量的码头联运铁路货场。为了实现“绿色港口政策”的目标,该集装箱码头的设计包括以下要素: ■有益地重复利用疏B的沉积物; ■岸边的电动挖泥机基础设施; ■集装箱船的岸到船电源; ■能够安装在轨道上的龙门起重机,以增强货物装卸的现代化程度; ■高效的闸门系统以及有效的卡车流通,以减少卡车空转; ■航站楼能源与环境设计(LEED)银奖和金奖的领导地位; ■改善雨水质量的最佳管理实践; ■实施开发和运营的可持续实践;■堆场设备的替代技术和燃料,将减少码头运营产生的柴油净排放量。 ■符合EPA有关降低柴油排放的要求的建筑设备;和, ■遵守港口的《清洁空气行动计划》,卡车将集装箱移至码头或从码头运出。 最后,Pier S是以前的布朗菲尔德(Brownfield)网站,之前已对其进行补救以促进网站开发。补救措施包括在考虑未来码头基础设施的地点的凸起填充区域内指定单元中对油田废物进行现场水泥稳定处理。随着终端设计演变为符合绿色端口政策,该设计适应了单元位置。



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