
Cold Start Link Prediction




In the traditional link prediction problem, a snapshot of a social network is used as a starting point to predict, by means of graph-theoretic measures, the links that are likely to appear in the future. In this paper, we introduce cold start link prediction as the problem of predicting the structure of a social network when the network itself is totally missing while some other information regarding the nodes is available. We propose a two-phase method based on the bootstrap probabilistic graph. The first phase generates an implicit social network under the form of a probabilistic graph. The second phase applies probabilistic graph-based measures to produce the final prediction. We assess our method empirically over a large data collection obtained from Flickr, using interest groups as the initial information. The experiments confirm the effectiveness of our approach.
机译:在传统的链路预测问题中,通过图形 - 理论措施,将社交网络的快照用作预测的起点,这是未来可能出现的链接。在本文中,我们将冷启动链路预测引入了当网络本身完全缺失时预测社交网络结构的问题,而有关节点的一些其他信息可用。我们提出了一种基于引导概率图的两阶段方法。第一阶段以概率图的形式生成隐式社交网络。第二阶段适用概率基于图形的基于图的措施来产生最终预测。我们通过以Flickr获得的大数据收集来统一地评估我们的方法,使用兴趣组作为初始信息。实验证实了我们方法的有效性。



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