




Many failures and malfunctions of timber structures are related to the special way timber or wood interacts with the surrounding climate. During the role of COST E55 Action it became apparent that present engineering best practice, namely codes and standards, do not account for the climate - timber interaction with sufficient resolution[1,2].It is a known fact that the surrounding climate, i.e. the airs relative humidity and temperature and the corresponding changes over time influence the load bearing behaviour of timber structural elements. Every attempt to grasp the many different ways how wood and its mechanical properties interact with its surrounding climate take basis in the understanding of the special way timber desorbs and adsorbs water, i.e. how moisture equilibrium in wood is reached depending not only on the state of relative humidity and temperature but also on the corresponding moisture state history of the timber. Despite of the complexity of these phenomena and the anticipated large sensitivity of timber structural integrity to moisture effects, the way how these aspects are handled in the present design codes appears oversimplified and insufficient to ensure the safety and serviceability of structures required. Climate exposure when described in Eurocode 5 [3] is only differentiated into three so called service classes (SC). The SC that are defined by corresponding timber moisture content (mc) values that are expected during the service life of the structure; SCI, the mc is higher than 12% only for a view weeks per year, SC2, the mc is higher than 20% only for a view weeks per year, SC3 the mc is higher as expected for SC2. The effect of the climate exposures on the load bearing capacity is accounted for in combination with the mechanical load effect on the corresponding timber structural element, i.e. similarly as for the climate, different discrete load duration classes are distinguished. For every combination of climate and load exposure class, factors for the modification of characteristic strength and stiffness properties, knfandknf respectively, are prescribed in the code.Moisture induced mechanical effects might be classified into:1. Restrained shrinkage as it is an issue for joint design and detailing; but also within solid cross sections;2. Mechano-sorption that will alter the stress state but is more connected to accelerated creep deformationsand;3. accelerated aging due to moisture changes.Effect 3 is interrelated with the duration of load effect and a common treatment for structural design as in the present Eurocode might be justified. Effect 1 on the other hand inducing stresses in the timber, especially in the weak direction of the wood perpendicular to the grain. The results can be seen as cracks in timber elements, visibly growing from the outside (drying) and invisibly growing from inside (wetting). These cracks might become critical if the residual contact area is too small to transfer shear stresses in beam elements or even more if a structural element or connection is stressed perpendicular to the grain due to external forces as in curved beams or in the surrounding of holes or notches. The stresses induced by moisture changes would be consistently treated in the design if the action inducing the stresses was accounted for as any other load described in the code.During the course of the COST E55 action strategies for how this change of aspect can be realized and implemented into future design codes was developed. This pursuit includes the following considerations: A description of the moisture exposure, structured for building classes and climatic regions (as e.g. for snow loads), a sound representation of equilibrium moisture states of wood in natural climates, models for moisture transport in seasoned timber in natural varying climates, the modelling of moisture induced strain (shrinkage and swelling) and finally a sound stress evaluation scheme. With the models describing the hygro-mechanical relations of wood it is readily seen that moisture induced stress is a response to spatial differences of moisture states within a wood volume. For a given variation of relative humidity with constant periodicity (Figure la) it can be estimated how this climate variation affects the moisture variation in transversal direction of a solid piece of timber (Figure lb). The upper and lower bound in Figure lb indicate the bounds within moisture content
机译:木材结构的许多故障和失灵与木材或木材与周围气候相互作用的特殊方式有关。在COST E55 Action行动期间,很明显,目前的工程最佳实践,即规范和标准,没有以足够的分辨率说明气候-木材的相互作用。 [1,2]。 众所周知的事实是周围的气候,即空气的相对湿度和温度以及随时间的相应变化会影响木材结构元件的承载性能。试图掌握木材及其机械特性与周围气候之间相互作用的多种不同方式的尝试都基于对木材脱附和吸收水的特殊方式的理解,即如何达到木材中的水分平衡,而不仅取决于相对湿度的状态。湿度和温度还取决于木材的相应水分状态历史。尽管存在这些现象的复杂性,并且预期木材结构完整性对湿气影响的敏感性也很高,但在本设计规范中处理这些方面的方式似乎过于简化,不足以确保所需结构的安全性和可维修性。欧洲法规5 [3]中描述的气候暴露仅被分为三个所谓的服务等级(SC)。 SC,由结构使用寿命内预期的相应木材含水量(mc)值定义;在SCI中,每年仅观看几周,mc的mc高于12%,每年仅观看一周的mc,的MC高于20%,而在SC3中,观看三者的mc高于SC2的预期。将气候暴露对承重能力的影响与对相应木材结构元件的机械载荷影响相结合,即与气候类似,区分出不同的离散载荷持续时间类别。对于气候和负荷暴露等级的每种组合,特征强度和刚度特性的修正系数,knfand 规范中分别规定了knf,潮气引起的机械效应可分为以下几类: 1.节制收缩,因为这是接头设计和细部设计的一个问题;而且在实心横截面内; 2.机械吸附将改变应力状态,但更多地与加速蠕变变形有关 和; 3.由于水分变化而加速老化。 效果3与荷载效果的持续时间有关,可以证明采用目前的Eurocode中对结构设计的通用处理方法是合理的。另一方面,效果1会在木材中引起应力,尤其是在垂直于纹理的木材弱方向上。结果可以看作是木材元素的裂缝,从外部明显可见(干燥),而从内部不可见增长(湿润)。如果残余接触面积太小而无法在梁单元中传递剪切应力,或者如果结构单元或连接由于外力如弯曲梁或孔或孔的周围而垂直于晶粒而受到应力,则这些裂纹可能变得非常关键。缺口。如果将引起应力的作用考虑为规范中所述的任何其他载荷,则在设计中将始终如一地处理由水分变化引起的应力。 在COST E55的过程中,制定了如何实现外观变化并将其实施到未来设计规范中的行动策略。这种追求包括以下考虑因素:针对建筑类别和气候区域(例如,针对雪荷载)的水分暴露的描述,自然气候中木材平衡水分状态的合理表示,澳大利亚经验丰富木材中水分运输的模型。自然变化的气候,湿度诱发的应变(收缩和膨胀)建模以及最终的声应力评估方案。利用描述木材的水分-机械关系的模型,很容易看出,水分诱发的应力是对木材体积内水分状态空间差异的响应。对于具有恒定周期性的给定相对湿度变化(图1a),可以估算出这种气候变化如何影响固体木材横向方向上的水分变化(图1b)。图1b的上限和下限指示了水分含量的界限



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