首页> 外文会议>IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting >Power System Severe Contingency Screening Considering Renewable Energy

Power System Severe Contingency Screening Considering Renewable Energy




Power system contingency screening is aimed at detecting potential threats, such as tripped transmission lines, to support secure operation of power systems. The growing penetration of intermittent-renewable resources into the power system challenges the traditional paradigm of contingency screening. One particular concern is that different renewable-generation profiles may lead to changing severe contingencies. This paper presents a method for power system severe contingency screening considering renewable energy. By running the hourly economic dispatch (ED), network congestion patterns under different renewable-generation profiles are determined. Next, spectral clustering is used to determine the most severe or highly congested multiple-line transmission cutset. Additionally, boundaries in the renewable-generation profile space leading to different severe transmission cutsets are investigated. Moreover, cutset-based contingency management through redispatch of conventional generators is implemented to reduce the congestion of transmission lines within the cutset. Simulation results based on the IEEE standard 14-bus system show that the proposed method is promising.



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