
Text line script identification for a tri-lingual document




India is a multilingual multi-script country. States of India follow a three language formula. The document may be printed in English, Hindi and other state official language. For example in Karnataka, a state in India, the document may contain text lines in English, Hindi script. For Optical Character Recognition (OCR) of such a multilingual document, it is necessary to identify the script before feeding the text lines to the OCRs of individual scripts. In this paper, a simple and efficient technique of script identification for Kannada, Hindi and English text lines from a printed document is presented. The proposed system uses horizontal projection profile to distinguish the three scripts. The feature extraction is done based on the horizontal projection profile of each text line. The knowledge base of the system is developed based on 15 different document images containing about 450 text lines. For a new text line, necessary features are extracted from the horizontal projection profile and compared with the stored knowledge base to classify the script. The proposed system is tested on 20 different document images containing about 200 text lines of each script and an overall classification rate of 99.83% is achieved.



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