首页> 外文会议>2010 4th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering >Application of Multiple Ecological Indicators in Ecosystem Health Assessment: A Case Study of Tianjin Binhai New Area Intertidal Wetlands

Application of Multiple Ecological Indicators in Ecosystem Health Assessment: A Case Study of Tianjin Binhai New Area Intertidal Wetlands




The increasing different stress caused by human activities induced changes in Tianjin Binhai New Area intertidal wetlands recent years. To find out whether the ecosystem health status of the wetlands in this area has been changed correspondingly, data of macrobentho abundance and biomass of 20 stations, both in May and August 2007 were applied, and multiple ecological indicators of different levels including the thermodynamic indicators exergy and specific exergy, ABC curves, W-statistic based on the species biomass and abundance, and the biodiversity indicators Shannon-Wiener index and Margalef index were applied. Moreover, the correlations among these ecological indicators were analyzed. An attempt was also made to discuss the applicability and limitation of each ecological indicator in wetlands ecosystem health assessment. The results showed that: 1) With temporal change, most districts appeared better ecosystem health status in August than May; 2) In spatial scale, DGDC district and DST district presented the best ecosystem health status, followed by CJP district, DGYT district and CTG district successively from the aspect of holistic evaluation. In addition, the data in this study indicated that the specific exergy index was more sensitive to the physical disturbance than the other indicators.
机译:人类活动引起的不同压力的增加引起了近年来天津滨海新区潮间带湿地的变化。为了了解该地区湿地的生态系统健康状况是否发生了相应变化,应用了2007年5月和2007年8月的20个站点的大型底栖动物丰度和生物量数据,并采用了包括热力学指标(火用)在内的多个不同水平的生态指标。并应用了比热能,ABC曲线,基于物种生物量和丰度的W统计量以及生物多样性指标Shannon-Wiener指数和Margalef指数。此外,分析了这些生态指标之间的相关性。还试图讨论每种生态指标在湿地生态系统健康评估中的适用性和局限性。结果表明:1)随着时间的变化,大多数地区8月份的生态系统健康状况要好于5月份。 2)在空间尺度上,从整体评价的角度来看,DGDC区和DST区表现出最好的生态系统健康状况,其次是CJP区,DGYT区和CTG区。此外,这项研究中的数据表明,比火用指数比其他指标对物理干扰更为敏感。



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