首页> 外文会议>Proceedings of 2010 International Conference on Communication and Computational Intelligence >A hybrid approach to steganography embedding at darkest and brightest pixels

A hybrid approach to steganography embedding at darkest and brightest pixels




In this paper we present a technique for secure communication between two parties Alice and Bob. We use both cryptography and image steganography. We encrypt the secret message by using a new cipher which is extended from Hill cipher. Then the cipher text of the secret message is embedded into the carrier image in 6th, 7th and 8th bit locations of the darkest and brightest pixels. Here 8th bit means the least significant bit in a byte (i.e. called LSB). Here brightest pixels means having a gray value in the range 224 to 255 in 8 bit gray scale and darkest pixels means having gray value in the range 0 to 31 in 8 bit gray scale. As these darkest and brightest pixels are spread across the image randomly, the intruder will not be able to identify those pixels. After embedding the resultant image will be sent to the receiver, the receiver will apply the reverse operation what the sender has done and get the secret information.
机译:在本文中,我们提出了一种用于在两方Alice和Bob之间进行安全通信的技术。我们同时使用密码术和图像隐写术。我们使用从Hill密码扩展的新密码对机密消息进行加密。然后,将秘密消息的密文嵌入到最暗和最暗的第6位,第7位和第8位。最亮的像素。这里的第8 位表示字节中的最低有效位(即LSB)。这里,最亮的像素意味着在8位灰度级中具有在224至255的范围内的灰度值,而最暗的像素意味着在8位灰度级中具有在0至31的范围内的灰度值。由于这些最暗和最亮的像素随机分布在整个图像上,因此入侵者将无法识别这些像素。嵌入结果图像后,将其发送到接收方,接收方将应用发送方已执行的相反操作并获取机密信息。



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