首页> 外文会议>e-Education, e-Business, e-Management, and e-Learning, 2010. IC4E '10 >Malicious Executables Classification Based on Behavioral Factor Analysis

Malicious Executables Classification Based on Behavioral Factor Analysis




Malware is an increasingly important problem that threatens the security of computer systems. The new concept of cloud security require rapid and automated detection and classification of malicious software. In this paper,we propose a behavior-based automated classification method. Depends on behavioral analysis we characterize malware behavioral profile in a trace report. This report contains the status change caused by the executable and event which are transfered from corresponding Win32 API calls and their certain parameters, we extract behaviour unit strings as features which reflect different malware families behavioral patterns. These features vector space servered as input to the SVM. We use string similarity and information gain to reduce the dimension of feature space. Comparative experiments with a real world data set of malicious executables shows that our proposed method can classify malware into different malware families with higher accuracy and efficiency.
机译:恶意软件是一个日益重要的问题,威胁着计算机系统的安全。云安全的新概念要求对恶意软件进行快速,自动的检测和分类。本文提出了一种基于行为的自动分类方法。根据行为分析,我们在跟踪报告中描述恶意软件的行为特征。此报告包含由可执行文件和事件引起的状态更改,这些可执行文件和事件是从相应的Win32 API调用及其特定参数传递而来的,我们提取行为单位字符串作为反映不同恶意软件家族行为模式的功能。这些功能将向量空间作为服务器的输入存储到SVM。我们使用字符串相似度和信息增益来减少特征空间的维数。通过对真实世界中的恶意可执行文件数据进行的比较实验表明,我们提出的方法可以以更高的准确性和效率将恶意软件分类为不同的恶意软件家族。



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