
Multiclass Support Vector Machines for Adaptation in MIMO-OFDM Wireless Systems




In MIMO-OFDM systems, by matching transmitter parameters such as modulation order and coding rate, link adaptation can increase the throughput significantly. However, creating a tractable mathematical mapping model from environmental variables to transmitter parameters that allows the latter to be optimized in any sense, presents serious challenginges due to the large number of variables involved, as well as the complexity required in any model with the ability to accurately capture and explain all factors that affect performance. Machine learning algorithms, which make no mathematical assumptions and use only past observations to model the input-output relationship, have recently been explored for adaptation in MIMO-OFDM systems. In this paper we propose a novel machine learning algorithm based on multi-class support vector machines (SVMs). Our algorithm has considerably smaller operational overhead (including storage requirements) and better performance for link adaptation. With IEEE 802.1 In simulations we show that our new algorithm outperforms existing machine-learning based algorithms. Moreover, we show that our algorithm is (asymptotically) consistent, in the sense that as the number of training data used increases, our algorithm obtains the performance-optimal classifier.
机译:在MIMO-OFDM系统中,通过匹配发射机参数(例如调制阶数和编码率),链路自适应可以显着提高吞吐量。但是,创建一个从环境变量到变送器参数的易于处理的数学映射模型,使后者可以在任何意义上进行优化,由于涉及的变量数量众多,而且任何模型都需要具备复杂的计算能力,因此提出了严峻的挑战。准确地捕获并解释所有影响性能的因素。机器学习算法,不做任何数学假设,仅使用过去的观察来对输入-输出关系进行建模,最近已经在MIMO-OFDM系统中进行了探索。在本文中,我们提出了一种基于多类支持向量机(SVM)的新型机器学习算法。我们的算法的操作开​​销(包括存储要求)显着降低,并且链路自适应性能更高。通过IEEE 802.1 In仿真,我们证明了我们的新算法优于现有的基于机器学习的算法。此外,从某种意义上说,从某种意义上说,我们的算法是(渐近的)一致的,这是因为随着使用的训练数据数量的增加,我们的算法获得了性能最优的分类器。



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