




This paper presents a multi-axial magnetorheological (MMR) mount. An MMR mount has been developed for use with hydraulic hybrid vehicles (HHV). Like hybrid electric vehicles (HEV), HHV provides better fuel economy. An inherent problem to hydraulic hybrid vehicles is vibration of the hydraulic pump-motor (P/M). This vibration can be classified as shock loading for initial start-up, and periodic vibration over a large frequency range. The latter vibration opportunity can be classified as having large displacement at low frequency and small displacement at high frequency. This requires a stiff mount for the low frequency response and a soft mount for the high frequency response.A single axis magnetorheological (MR) mount has; previously been developed and studied by the same group. This was done to develop an understanding of the MR fluid and to discover the limitations of such a mount. Models to predict the experimental results have also been generated. These models show a good correlation to the experimental results. Then, the model has been enhanced from the single axis mount to a multi-axial. This was done by examining the 3-D CAD model to develop the different boundary conditions for the simulation. With a multi-axial magnetorheological mount, damping and stiffness can be altered to yield acceptable transmissibility over the frequency range. This is achieved through the use of an inertia track paired with a pseudo-decoupler. These features are commonly found in a passive hydraulic mount; however through the use of MR fluid, the downfalls of the hydraulic mount can be mitigated, e.g. performance deterioration outside of notch frequency. Additionally, a magnetorheological mount is semi-active so there is an inherent stability to the mount.The MMR mount uses elastomer and MR fluid to achieve the static stiffness to support the P/M and achieve low dynamic stiffness for the high frequency response, which is necessary for a good isolator. The advantages of the use of a multi-axial magnetorheological mount are as follows: fewer mounts are required, stability when compared to an active mount, less power required when compared to an active mount, better isolation when compared to pure elastomeric and passive hydraulic mounts. A model for a multi-axialmagnetorheological mount has been developed and simulated. For the purposes of this study, elastomer has been considered to have a linear dynamic response. Additionally, the shock response of the mount has not been considered. Future work includes manufacturing a multi-axial MR mount to verify the simulation results.
机译:本文提出了一种多轴磁流变(MMR)支架。已开发出一种MMR支架,用于液压混合动力汽车(HHV)。与混合动力汽车(HEV)一样,HHV可提供更好的燃油经济性。液压混合动力车辆的固有问题是液压泵马达(P / M)的振动。可以将这种振动分类为初始启动时的冲击负载和大频率范围内的周期性振动。后一种振动机会可以分类为在低频处具有大位移而在高频处具有小位移。这需要用于低频响应的刚性安装和用于高频响应的软安装。 单轴磁流变(MR)支架具有;以前是由同一小组开发和研究的。这样做是为了增进对MR流体的了解,并发现这种安装座的局限性。还生成了预测实验结果的模型。这些模型与实验结果显示出良好的相关性。然后,该模型已从单轴安装扩展到多轴。这是通过检查3-D CAD模型以开发用于仿真的不同边界条件来完成的。使用多轴磁流变支架,可以更改阻尼和刚度,以在整个频率范围内产生可接受的透射率。这是通过使用与伪解耦器配对的惯性轨道来实现的。这些功能通常在被动液压安装座中发现。但是,通过使用MR流体,可以减轻液压支架的倾倒,例如,陷波频率以外的性能下降。另外,磁流变底座是半主动的,因此底座具有固有的稳定性。 MMR支架使用弹性体和MR流体来实现静态刚度,以支撑P / M,并实现高频响应的低动态刚度,而这对于良好的隔离器而言是必需的。使用多轴磁流变学安装座的优点如下:需要的安装座更少,与有源安装座相比,具有稳定性,与有源安装座相比,所需的功率更少,与纯弹性和被动液压安装座相比,隔离性更好。多轴模型 磁流变支架已被开发和模拟。为了本研究的目的,弹性体被认为具有线性动态响应。此外,未考虑安装座的冲击响应。未来的工作包括制造多轴MR支座以验证仿真结果。



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