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Introduction to Suzuki ASV technologies




"The safety of vehicles"-this is the top priority theme for Suzuki's R&D activities. Broadly classified, the safety of vehicles has two aspects: active safety and passive safety. Active safety refers to helping the driver drive his/her carsafely. while passive safety concerns protecting the driver and passengers from serious injuries when the car is involved in an accident.The Suzuki Advanced Safety Vehicle (ASV). now under research and development. will have: (1) a navigation system, and (2) a vehicle distance warning system as active safety devices; and a mini-car airbag system that serves as a passive safety' feature.Some of the achievements of this R&D project are summarized in this report.Under the slogan "Vehicles friendlly to humans," Suzuki will remain actively committed to research into and development of human-to-machine interfaces and systems to warn and protect other vehicles and pedestrians.
机译:“车辆的安全性” - 这是铃木的研发活动的最优先主题。广泛分类,车辆的安全有两个方面:主动安全和被动安全。主动安全指的是帮助驾驶员驾驶他/她的汽车。当被动安全问题涉及当汽车参与事故时保护驾驶员和乘客免​​受严重伤害。铃木高级安全车辆(ASV)。现在正在研究和发展。将有:(1)导航系统,(2)车辆距离警告系统作为主动安全装置;和一个作为被动安全性“功能的迷你汽车安全气囊系统。本报告中概述了这一研发项目的成就。在本报告中总结了。在口号”友好地对人类的车辆,“铃木将继续积极致力于研究和发展用于警告和保护其他车辆和行人的人机接口和系统。



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