首页> 外文会议>2008世界草地与草原大会论文集 >Forage potential of legumes native to sub‐tropical southeastern USA

Forage potential of legumes native to sub‐tropical southeastern USA




The subtropical part of the southeastern USA is one of the most difficult areas of the world for forage development.Climatic conditions range from tropical summer temperatures with high humidity to short periods of sub‐freezing winter temperatures.Many forage legumes adapted to more temperate area have been evaluated for use in this region, but fail due to lack of summer persistence and successful pasture applications have been very limited.Likewise forage legume species from more tropical areas of South America and SE Asia often experience winter‐kill and have found limited use.Additionally, root‐knot nematodes ( Meloidogyne spp.) ( RKN) may dramatically limit legume persistence in lighter textured soils of this region.Research with the seven T ri f olium spp.native to this region ( T.bej ariense Moric., T.calcaricum J.L.Collins & Wieboldt,T.carloinianum Michx., T.polymorphum Poir., T.re f lexum L., T.stoloni f erum Muhl.ex Eaton,and T.v irginicum Small), has shown that they generally have higher levels of RKN tolerance than introduced T ri f olium species (Quesenberry, et al., 1997 ).We hypothesize that evaluation of legume species native to the region and similar subtropical climatic zones will identify species with higher success potential.
机译:美国东南部的亚热带地区是世界上最难觅食的地区之一,气候条件从热带夏季温度高湿到短期的亚冰冻冬季温度不等。已被评估为可在该地区使用,但由于缺乏夏季的持久性而失败,并且成功地在牧场上应用受到很大限制。例如,来自南美和东南亚更多热带地区的饲用豆科植物物种通常会发生冬季杀灭作用,并且用途有限。此外,根结线虫(Meloidogyne spp。)(RKN)可能会大大限制该地区较轻质土壤中的豆类持久性。 Calcaricum JLCollins&Wieboldt,T.carloinianum Michx。,T.polymorphum Poir。,T.re lexum L.,T.stoloni erum Muhl.ex Eaton和Tv irginicum证明,它们通常与引入的三叶草物种相比,它们对RKN的耐受性更高(Quesenberry等,1997)。我们假设,对该地区和类似的亚热带气候带原生的豆科植物物种的评估将确定具有较高成功潜力的物种。



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