首页> 外文会议>2008世界草地与草原大会论文集 >Estilosantes Campo Grande: an economical and environmental success forage legume for the tropics

Estilosantes Campo Grande: an economical and environmental success forage legume for the tropics

机译:Estilosantes Campo Grande:热带地区经济,环保的牧草



Estilosantes Campo Grande (ECG) is a tropical forage legume cultivar released by Embrapa Beef Cattle in 2000.It is a seed mixture ( by weight) of breed lines of Stylosanthes cap itata (80% ) and S.macrocephala (20% ).It has become a successful case of tropical legume forage, being spread nowadays in 450 thousand hectares of sown pastures in Brazil alone, in mixture with grasses such as Brachiaria spp., Panicum maximum and A ndropogon gayanus.This area is expected to increase 50% in 2008.It has good adaptation to low fertility sandy soils and it is persistent under grazing (FERNANDES et al.,2005).
机译:Estilosantes Campo Grande(ECG)是由Embrapa牛牛于2000年发布的一种热带饲用豆科植物品种,是按重量计的Stylosanthes cap itata(80%)和S.macrocephala(20%)的繁殖系的种子混合物(按重量计)。如今已成为热带豆科牧草的成功案例,仅在巴西,如今就已在45万公顷的草场中与Bracharia spp。,Panicum max和A ndropogon gayanus等草混合传播,预计该面积将增加50%。 2008年。它对低肥力的沙质土壤具有良好的适应性,并且在放牧条件下具有持久性(FERNANDES等,2005)。



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