
Optical Design of the LSST Camera




The Large Synoptic Survey Telescope (LSST) uses a novel, three-mirror, modified Paul-Baker design, with an 8.4-meter primary mirror, a 3.4-m secondary, and a 5.0-m tertiary feeding a camera system that includes a set of broad-bandfilters and refractive corrector lenses to produce a flat focal plane with a field of view of 9.6 square degrees. Opticaldesign of the camera lenses and filters is integrated with optical design of telescope mirrors to optimize performance,resulting in excellent image quality over the entire field from ultra-violet to near infra-red wavelengths. The LSSTcamera optics design consists of three refractive lenses with clear aperture diameters of 1.55 m, 1.10 m and 0.69 m andsix interchangeable, broad-band, filters with clear aperture diameters of 0.75 m. We describe the methodology forfabricating, coating, mounting and testing these lenses and filters, and we present the results of detailed toleranceanalyses, demonstrating that the camera optics will perform to the specifications required to meet their performancegoals.
机译:大型舞台调查望远镜(LSST)采用新颖的三镜,改进的保罗巴克设计,带有8.4米的主镜,3.4米的次级镜子和5.0米的第5.0米的喂食相机系统,包括集合宽带滤波器和屈光矫正器透镜,产生平面焦平面,具有9.6平方度的视野。相机镜头和过滤器的光学设计与望远镜镜的光学设计集成,以优化性能,从而通过超紫色到靠近红外波长的整个领域的优异图像质量。 LSSTCamera光学设计由三个折射镜头组成,具有1.55米,1.10米和0.69米和硬度可互换,宽带,过滤器,透明光圈直径为0.75米的透明镜头。我们描述了这种镜头和滤镜的方法,涂覆,安装和测试,我们介绍了详细的托式成像的结果,展示了相机光学器件将对满足其绩效的规范表现。



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