
Image motion correction using accelerometers at the MMTObservatory




At the MMT Observatory, the adaptive secondary system is producing well corrected images using natural guide stars. Shortly after the system came online, however, it was found that vibrations in the telescope structure were limiting the Strehl of the corrected image. The worst of these vibrations are at 19 Hz, which puts them just outside of the system correction bandwidth. The laser guide star system at the MMT is also impacted by a different vibration mode at 14 Hz that affects the pointing of the laser beacon on the sky. To correct these errors, accelerometers were installed on the secondary mirror to measure its motion. The measured motion was then used to generate a feed-forward correction term which has already been proven in on-sky testing to work for the LGS case. The NGS case is more difficult and attempts to correct image motion have failed due to excessive feedback.
机译:在MMT天文台,自适应辅助系统正在使用自然制导星产生校正良好的图像。然而,在系统上线后不久,发现望远镜结构中的振动限制了校正图像的Strehl。这些振动中最严重的是19 Hz,这使它们刚好超出系统校正带宽。 MMT上的激光导星系统还受到14 Hz的不同振动模式的影响,该振动模式会影响激光信标在天空上的指向。为了纠正这些错误,在辅助镜上安装了加速度计以测量其运动。然后,将所测得的运动用于生成前馈校正项,该校正项已在空中测试中证明可用于LGS情况。 NGS情况更加困难,由于过度的反馈,纠正图像运动的尝试失败了。



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