
Applications of the Matrix Model of Computation




The Matrix Model of Computation (MMC) is a new Turing-equivalent and Quantum-equivalent virtual machine used for the mathematical analysis of systems. The MMC allows uniform techniques to be applied to all kinds of systems and makes them amenable to formal mathematical manipulation. But the strength of the MMC lies in its applications. In this paper we use simple examples to illustrate three very different applications. First, in Physics, we examine a thought experiment in Newtonian Mechanics. The Scope Constriction Algorithm factorizes the equations and discovers a law of Physics. Similar ideas can be applied to compare theories, search for fundamental symmetries, or test new hypotheses.Second, in business, we note that business rules are seman-tically similar to the MMC and sketch some ideas for their direct conversion to MMC format. Since the MMC is a relational database, and many businesses already use relational databases, we argue that much of the procedure can be automated. Since the MMC is also a program and can be directly compiled, this offers a direct path from business rules to executable code without programming.Lastly, in Software Engineering, we examine relationships between the MMC and UML class models, MMC support for encapsulation, inheritance and polymorphism, and the use of the MMC for refactoring OO code.
机译:计算矩阵模型(MMC)是一种新的等效于Turing的等效于量子的虚拟机,用于系统的数学分析。 MMC允许将统一的技术应用于所有类型的系统,并使它们适用于形式化的数学操作。但是MMC的优势在于其应用。在本文中,我们使用简单的示例来说明三个非常不同的应用程序。首先,在物理学中,我们研究了牛顿力学中的思想实验。范围收缩算法分解方程式并发现物理定律。类似的想法可以用于比较理论,寻找基本对称性或检验新的假设。 其次,在业务中,我们注意到业务规则在语义上与MMC相似,并概述了一些将它们直接转换为MMC格式的想法。由于MMC是一个关系数据库,并且许多企业已经在使用关系数据库,因此我们认为许多过程可以自动化。由于MMC也是一个程序,可以直接编译,因此它提供了从业务规则到可执行代码的直接路径,而无需编程。 最后,在软件工程中,我们检查了MMC和UML类模型之间的关系,MMC对封装,继承和多态性的支持以及MMC在重构OO代码中的使用。


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