
A Large-Scale Systems Engineering Perspective of Water Management in Singapore




For a small country with almost no natural resources, Singapore has, over its 42 years of independence, developed an intricate water management system. This system has evolved from a combination of resource development, political diplomacy and acceleration towards enabling water technology. Singapore has found that ensuring a viable water supply for future growth is no longer dependent on any specific domain, but rather across a series of options that, at present, have already poised the island state for self-sufficiency. The selection of these options is not additive and must be analysed in consideration with the country's regional, political and economic goals. This paper examines Singapore's water management system from a large-scale systems engineering perspective: goals, boundaries, stakeholders and complexities involved in such a system. Such an approach illustrates how systems thinking and systems engineering tools may be used to understand systems complexities, how learning organization concepts and methodologies may be applied to understand behavioural complexities and how lean thinking facilitates a long term strategic philosophy, built on the premise of continuous improvements. Perhaps more importantly, it shows that while systems engineering, especially the systems approach, is necessary for the conceptualisation and planning of such a system, it is the systemic structures that have been put in place and the people/ culture that make it possible.
机译:对于一个几乎没有自然资源的小国来说,新加坡在其独立42年来已经建立了一套复杂的水管理系统。该系统已经从资源开发,政治外交和加速相结合发展到启用水技术。新加坡发现,确保未来增长的可行供水不再取决于任何特定领域,而是跨越了一系列选择,这些选择目前已经使该岛国实现了自给自足。这些选择的选择不是累加的,必须在考虑该国的地区,政治和经济目标的情况下进行分析。本文从大型系统工程的角度研究了新加坡的水管理系统:该系统的目标,界限,利益相关者和复杂性。这种方法说明了在持续改进的前提下,如何使用系统思维和系统工程工具来理解系统复杂性,如何应用学习组织的概念和方法来理解行为复杂性,以及精益思维如何促进长期战略哲学的发展。 。也许更重要的是,它表明,尽管系统工程,特别是系统方法对于这种系统的概念化和计划是必需的,但正是由于已经建立了系统性结构以及人员/文化才使之成为可能。



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