
Wolf – An Eclipse Plug-In for WADE

机译:Wolf –用于WADE的Eclipse插件



This paper describes WOLF, a development environment for WADE-based applications. WADE is a software platform, based on JADE, a popular Open Source framework, for the development of distributed applications based on the agent oriented paradigm and exploiting the workflow metaphor to define system logics. The main advantage of the workflow metaphor is the expressiveness of the workflow itself, since it can be easily understood both by programmers and domain experts. The main feature of WOLF is the support for the graphical definition of workflows. Besides that, it also helps developers in setting up an Eclipse project for developing and managing WADE-based applications. WOLF is an Eclipse Plug-in and, as a consequence, allows WADE developers to exploit the full power of the Eclipse IDE.The paper focuses on the graphical definition of workflows and shows how WADE can take advantage of WOLF in defining the system logics by means of workflows
机译:本文介绍WOLF,这是一种基于WADE的应用程序的开发环境。 WADE是一个基于流行的开源框架JADE的软件平台,用于开发基于面向代理的范例的分布式应用程序,并利用工作流隐喻来定义系统逻辑。工作流隐喻的主要优点是工作流本身的表现力,因为程序员和领域专家都可以轻松理解它。 WOLF的主要功能是对工作流程的图形定义的支持。除此之外,它还帮助开发人员设置Eclipse项目,以开发和管理基于WADE的应用程序。 WOLF是Eclipse插件,因此,WADE开发人员可以利用Eclipse IDE的全部功能。本文着重于工作流程的图形定义,并展示了WADE如何通过以下方式利用WOLF定义系统逻辑:工作流程的手段



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