首页> 外文会议>第五届技术与创新管理国际研讨会 >The Structural Study of R D Input and Output Based on the Triple Helix

The Structural Study of R D Input and Output Based on the Triple Helix




Empirical research has demonstrated that innovation processes have a pronounced regional dimension and conditions for innovative activity differ considerably between geographic areas. A main reason for this impact of location on innovation is the availability of knowledge. A role of location for innovation activity implies that at least part of the relevant knowledge is specific to a certain region and shapes the innovation activities there. Main sources of this knowledge could be private sector firms, universities and public research institutes. The knowledge may stem from inside the respective region, or it may spill over from adjacent regions. The relative importance of these different knowledge sources inside and outside the region is, however, still largely unclear. This paper analyses the relevance of different types and sources knowledge for regional innovation output by Structural Equation Modeling based on the Triple Helix.



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