首页> 外文会议>International Conference on Public Administration >Privatization of Public Enterprises in Bangladesh

Privatization of Public Enterprises in Bangladesh




Historically,public enterprises were the mainsprings of the Bangladesh economy. However,being bolstered by poor performance of public enterprises and world-wide trend of privatization,successive governments in Bangladesh have embarked on selling out these enterprises to the private sector. Despite concerted efforts,the privatization program in Bangladesh has failed to deliver the promised results. This paper attempts to analyze privatization experiences in Bangladesh from a political economy perspective. The objectives of this paper are: (a) to sketch the historical background of privatization; (b) to identify and elucidate the factors,both internal and external,that led to the privatization of state-owned enterprises (SOE); (c) to analyze the political economy factors underpinning the dynamics of privatization in Bangladesh.
机译:从历史上看,公共企业是孟加拉国经济的发源地。但是,由于公营企业表现不佳以及全球范围内的私有化趋势,孟加拉国成功的政府开始将这些企业出售给私营部门。尽管作出了共同努力,孟加拉国的私有化计划仍未能实现预期的结果。本文试图从政治经济学的角度分析孟加拉国的私有化经历。本文的目标是:(a)概述私有化的历史背景; (b)查明和阐明导致国有企业私有化的内部和外部因素; (c)分析支撑孟加拉国私有化动态的政治经济因素。



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