首页> 外文会议>Conference on Human factors in computing systems;CHI '07 >Finding your way with CampusWiki: a location-aware wiki

Finding your way with CampusWiki: a location-aware wiki




Wikis provide a simple and unique approach to collaborative authoring, allowing any member of the community to contribute new, or change existing information. However, Wikis are typically disconnected from the physical context of users who are utilizing or creating content, resulting in suboptimal support for geographic communities. In addition, geographic communities might find the highly skewed generation of content by a few individuals problematic. Here we present research into addressing these challenges through location-awareness and lightweight user content rating mechanisms. We describe one such location-aware Wiki, CampusWiki and initial results from a field study demonstrating the value of location-linked content and the rating approach. We conclude with a discussion of design implications.>>> af++ KR101834379B1 . 2018-03-05

机译:具有抗肥胖活性的WIKIM51魏氏菌Weikella WIKIM51及其组成成分

  • 机译:WIKIM28魏氏杆菌Weikella WIBIM28具有抗肥胖活性的魏氏杆菌WIKIM28及其组成成分

  • 机译:用于可互操作,可多媒体访问和可转换的结构化和非结构化Wiki,Wiki用户网络以及其他用户生成的内容存储库的多平台系统设备

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