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Exploring the use of large displays in american megachurches




Within the HCI community, there is a growing interest in how technology is used and appropriated outside the workplace. In this paper, we present preliminary findings of how large displays, projection systems, and presentation software are used in American megachurches to support religious practice. These findings are based on ten visits to church services by the study.s authors. We describe how large display technology augments and replaces certain church traditions, and finish by discussing issues related to the design for church environments that are highlighted by this use of technology.>>> af++ JP2005524964A . 2005-08-18

机译:使用反馈增强型发光二极管的显示装置<相关申请书>长期以来的期望安装)对该文件的坚持美国临时申请2002年5月8日第60 / 379,141号申请(全部)长期以来的愿望是,以美国专利申请号命名的2003年5月8日申请的“反馈增强型发光器件(FEEDBACKENHANCEDLIGHTEMITTINGDEVICE)”,并且“使用反馈增强型发光二极管来照明”。其中,2003年5月8日提交的(LIGHTINGDEVICESUSINGFEEDBACKENHANCEDLIGHTEMITTINGDIODE)(美国专利申请号为(对于这些申请,已安装在本文档中))与引用全部相关。

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