首页> 外文会议>Conference on Human factors in computing systems;CHI '07 >Taking CHI for a drive: interaction in the car

Taking CHI for a drive: interaction in the car




With the increasing number of cars on the road, longer commutes, and the proliferation of complex information and entertainment features, there is a greater need for careful interaction design in the car. The automobile is a challenging environment for designing and deploying good user interfaces. Interaction designers must balance brand identity, safety, legislation, and manufacturability, among other issues. In this panel, practitioners and researchers from industry, industrial labs, and academia will discuss the challenges of interaction design in an automotive environment. While some members of the CHI community are active in the automotive field, the general CHI community may not be aware of this work, the open research issues, and opportunities for collaboration in this area. This panel will provide an introduction into HCI research in the automotive industry. Some successful examples of interaction design will be discussed, as well as a few not-so-successful examples. Questions and comments from the audience are welcomed.>>> af++ IT980026B . 1974-09-30

机译:改善烃,特别是Chi Chi Opentadiene的氢化过程

  • 机译:交互驱动式变速箱和交互驱动式齿轮变速箱的组装使用相同

  • 机译:SIGNAPPS™方法,系统和功能,用于定义,确定和分配可计费的交互作用/消息/数据/数据,以及管理和测量标记的或已识别的健康,严重的酒精饮料中关键的卫生案例所涉及的移动交互作用/消息/消息/日期

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