
Management of remediation of a partly decommissioned nuclear site




The Necsa site in South Africa is a multiple facility site with operational facilities and closedfacilities that have been decommissioned or are in a decommissioning phase. The operational facilities include aresearch reactor, isotope production facilities, nuclear fuel development facilities, waste management facilities aswell as a range of chemical production facilities. The decommissioned facilities and facilities that are in adecommissioning phase consist mainly of nuclear fuel cycle facilities. Historical, recent and future events causedor could potentially cause radiological and/or chemical contamination outside facilities. An approach has beenapplied previously whereby cleanup of such contamination has been implemented but without a consistentapproach or criteria, which resulted in a limited ability to verify and demonstrate successful cleaning. Recentdevelopments and regulatory control initiatives resulted in review of the approach and the development of amanagement system to ensure environmentally good practices and management of contamination outsideradiological and chemical controlled areas. The management system was developed based on pre-definedobjectives, principles for site remediation and IAEA guidelines [1], [2] and [3]. The remediation managementprocess as implemented on the NECSA site is illustrated in Annex 1. The principles and main building blocks ofremediation management on the NECSA site are covered in the paper.
机译:南非的内萨(Necsa)站点是一个多设施站点,具有运营设施,并且已关闭 已退役或处于退役阶段的设施。运营设施包括 研究堆,同位素生产设施,核燃料开发设施,废物管理设施 以及一系列化学生产设施。退役的设施和位于 退役阶段主要由核燃料循环设施组成。造成的历史,最近和未来事件 或可能导致设施外部的放射和/或化学污染。一种方法是 以前已经应用过,因此已经实施了清除此类污染物的工作,但没有始终如一 方法或标准,导致验证和演示成功清洁的能力有限。最近的 事态发展和监管控制举措导致对方法的审查和 管理体系,以确保环境良好做法和外部污染的管理 放射和化学控制区域。管理系统是基于预定义的开发的 目标,场地修复原则和国际原子能机构准则[1],[2]和[3]。整治管理 NECSA站点上执行的流程如附件1所示。 本文介绍了NECSA网站上的补救管理。



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