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Lake Michigan-Huron Water Level Decline Due to Hydraulic Scour of the St. Clair River




Upper Great Lakes water levels are currently experiencing a precipitous decline. The Decembermonthly mean water levels for Lakes Superior, Michigan-Huron, and St. Clair were 17, 15, and2 inches, respectively, below average when compared to long-term (1918-2005) averages. At thesame time, Lake Erie and Lake Ontario were 7 and 12 inches above average. Concern aboutdeclining Lake Michigan-Huron water level from public and private organizations has lead toincreased study of the fluvial geomorphology of the St. Clair River and its contribution to thesteep decline of the Lake Michigan-Huron water level.The position of this paper, based upon historical construction and dredging records, is that theincreased hydraulic scour rate of the St. Clair River is an anthropogenic effect of riverbed armorlayer removal influenced by navigational and commercial dredging projects. Hydraulic scourincreases the outflow capacity of the St. Clair River which results in a water level decline onLake Michigan-Huron.The goal of this technical paper is to summarize the causal relationship between St. Clair Rivererosion and decreasing Lake Michigan-Huron water level. An additional concluding section hasbeen added to suggest an economical mitigation measure.
机译:大湖区上游的水位目前正在急剧下降。十二月 苏必利尔湖,密歇根州休伦湖和圣克莱尔湖的月平均水位分别为17、15和 与长期(1918-2005)平均水平相比,平均水平低2英寸。在 同时,伊利湖和安大略湖分别比平均水平高出7英寸和12英寸。担心关于 来自公共和私人组织的密歇根湖-休伦湖水位下降导致 对圣克莱尔河河流地貌的深入研究及其对河流的贡献。 密歇根湖-休伦湖水位急剧下降。 根据历史建筑和疏records记录,本文的立场是: 圣克莱尔河水力冲刷速率的增加是河床装甲的人为影响 受航行和商业疏dr项目影响的层去除。水力冲刷 增加了圣克莱尔河的出水能力,导致水位下降 密歇根湖-休伦湖。 本技术论文的目的是总结圣克莱尔河之间的因果关系 侵蚀和密歇根湖-休伦湖水位下降。另一个结论部分有 被添加以建议一种经济的缓解措施。



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